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TC-40-001 - Language Selection: Home

Test Case ID TC-40-001
Author Alena Galysheva
Date of creation 15.06.2023
Class Functional
Type ---

Update history

  • version 0.1 - 15.06.2023 - Alena Galysheva - test case created

Test case description

This test case verifies the functionality of the FEA-40-language-selection-option.

Source for the test

This test is based on the following feature requirement:

Prerequisites and test steps


  1. Skill Collector is up and running.
  2. Language Selection is implemented on the Home page

Test steps

# Action Expected result
1 Go to Skill Collector. Successful navigation to Skill Collector.
2 Check the default language of the page. The default language is English.
3 Verify that all buttons and links are working. All buttons and links function correctly.
4 Verify that all graphic elements are displayed correctly and properly formatted. All graphics appear correctly and are properly formatted.
5 Check the grammar and spelling. All text content is grammatically correct and spelled accurately in the selected page language.
6 Change the language to Finnish. Language is successfully changed to Finnish.
7 Repeat steps 3 and 4. All buttons, links, and graphics continue to function and display correctly.
8 Verify the spelling. The text content remains grammatically correct and appropriately used in elements like buttons.
9 Change the language to Swedish. Language changed to Swedish.
10 Repeat steps 3-4. All buttons, links, and graphics function properly and are displayed correctly.
11 Repeat step 5. Text content remains grammatically correct and appropriately used.

End state

The user is able to change the language of the home page without breaking it.

To be taken into account during test


PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: All test steps are completed successfully, and the output matches the expected results.
  • FAIL: Any of the test steps fail, or the output does not match the expected results.