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TC-42-001 - Power BI visualization

Test Case ID TC-42-001
Author Alena Galysheva
Date of creation 10.07.2023
Class Non-functional
Type Acceptance

Update history

  • version 0.1 - 10.07.2023 - Alena Galysheva - test case created

Test case description

This test case verifies the functionality of the FEA-42-power-bi-service-analyti.

Source for the test

This test is based on the following feature requirement:

Prerequisites and test steps


  1. Skill Collector and database are deployed and running on a server.
  2. Database is populated with the test data.
  3. Power BI is connected to the currently deployed database.

Test steps

# Action Expected result
1 Open Power BI. Power BI is up and running. The visualizations are available for testing.
2 Fetch the latest response data using Skill Collector API. The data is available.
3 Examine the visualizations. The visualizations are clear and easy to understand, allowing users to quickly grasp the information presented.
4 Check the visualizations. The values, labels, and scales in the visualizations are correct and aligned with the source data. The labels and corresponding colors match the data they represent in graphs.
5 Verify that the choice of colors, fonts, and layout enhances readability and avoid visual clutter. The visual elements should not overlap, the visualizations should be legible without requiring zooming in, and the colors used in the same graph should have sufficient difference in HSV value to be easily distinguishable from each other.
6 Check what's exactly visualized. The visualizations present the information in a meaningful and informative way to the end user. Only relevant data is visualized, and there are no unnecessary details or distractions.
7 Go to Skill Collector, fill the survey and submit the response. Power BI visualizations are updated and correctly reflect the changes in the database.
8 Change the screen size (use Developer's Tools or a second screen). The visualizations adjust their layout and scaling according to the screen size.
9 Check the Skill Collector Power BI documentation. Documentation clearly explains the purpose, interpretation, and context of the visualizations.

End state

Power BI successfully retrieves the latest survey response data from the Skill Collector database and visualizing it using Power BI. Visualizations accurately represent the data, are visually appealing, and provide valuable insights to the process owner.

To be taken into account during test


PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: All test steps are completed successfully, and the output matches the expected results.
  • FAIL: Any of the test steps fail, or the output does not match the expected results.