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User guide for Skill Collector

Image of Skill Collector

Description of Skill Collector

Skill Collector is a service that can be used to collect up-to-date information about the needs of working life from companies.

The use of Skill Collector starts with an Excel table, where the "admin" can add people who have agreed to answer the survey about the company's needs regarding graduating students. Admin can select people from Excel to answer the survey, and with Power Automate, an email is sent to those who answer the survey, which contains a hash code with which to log in to the service.

The service is logged in with a hash code that the user of the service has received by e-mail. With the hash code, the user can log in to the service and fill out the survey. Five future need skills, five valuable skills, five important skills and five most important skills must be selected in the survey. The user can then go to the next page to select one valuable soft skill, one important soft skill and one very important soft skill. After this, the user can view the skills they have chosen and save their answers. After this, the user sees a thank you message and can close the service.

The answers from Skill Collector can be viewed using Power BI. In Power BI, the answers are visualized and thus easy to interpret.

Target group

Skill Collector's target groups are currently IT companies and universities. Skill Collector benefits both, universities get vital information about what companies need from students, and companies can get more skilled juniors for their companies.

With the help of Skill Collector, universities get up-to-date information about what kind of skills are needed in working life. In this way, the university is able to continuously develop its study courses to suit the needs of working life, and thus make the school's study offer of higher quality.

Companies benefit from Skill Collector, getting more up-to-date students in the future who have exactly the skills that working life needs. In this way, companies do not necessarily have to spend so much time guiding and training trainees or young employees graduatig from university that uses Skill Collector.

Basic functionalities

Log In

You can only log in to Skill Collector with the hash code that the user received in their email. The email also contains a link to the Skill Collector.


After receiving the email, the user can log in to Skill Collector by entering the hash received in the email in the space provided. After the hash has been entered, by clicking the "Start" button, the user can log in to the service.

Log In page

After logging in, the user is shown an info page, which explains how Skill Collector should be used. By clicking the "Continue" button again, the user gets to the survey.

Info page

Fill survey

All skills are listed on the same page, and the user can choose 20 of them, 5 Future need, 5 Valuable, 5 Important and 5 Most important. When the user has selected all 5 skills for a certain category, he cannot select more.

Skill view

If the user tries to select more than 5 skills, they will see a notification.

Warning of selecting too many skills

The user can easily navigate through the navigation bar on the left by clicking on the category they want to go to.

Navigation gif

The user can also monitor their progress from the progress bar on the left side of the page.

Image of progress bar

By clicking the "Continue" button, the user gets to the Soft Skill page, where they can choose 1 Valuable soft skill, 1 Important soft skill and 1 Very important soft skill.

Soft skill view

By clicking the "Submit" button, the user can view the skills they have chosen, as well as send the skills they have chosen to the database, or return to the survey. If the user has not selected the correct number of skills, they will be notified and will not be able to save the unfinished query to the database.

Summary view

When the user fills out the survey correctly, and finally sends their answers, the user is shown a thank you page, after which the user can close the service.

Thank you view

Give Feedback

In Skill Collector, there is an opportunity to give feedback about your user experience. You can give feedback by clicking the "Give Feedback" button visible on all pages.

Feedback button

Feedback button user can click

Feedback window

Feedback window