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Sprint 03

Description Date Week(s)
Open Doors 05.06. - 09.06. 23

Scratch book


The week started with a lecture and presentation at Palo Alto Prisma, after which I wrote down the key points. I also worked on creating marketing materials and promoting Open Doors on social media. Additionally, I assisted with website-related tasks. The following day, I worked on preparing the team's presentation for Open Doors, as well as creating a small presentation on social media and visual elements. I also helped with the development of the Open Doors website.

On Wednesday, we had the General Rehearsal: Open Doors presentations, where we finalized our social media presentation, made improvements to the team's presentation, and practiced delivering it. We also prepared and printed our resumes and name tags.

Thursday was focused on social media marketing for Open Doors and further refinement of the team's presentation. We also had rehearsals for the event, cleaned and organized the space. Finally, on Friday, the long-awaited Open Doors event took place. We made preparations before and after the event and showcased our work during the event.

Open doors group PaloAlto