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Sprint 05

Description Date Week(s)
Midsummer Week 19.-23.6. 25

Scratch book

Marketing and media:

On Monday, I worked on preliminary planning for the brand book. We had a meeting with IoTitude to discuss social media practices. I also handled Elisa's post on social media and distributed NorthCode's products. On Tuesday, I scheduled IoTitude's social media posts and created a memo for the brand book. Wednesday featured a remote guest speaker, Eeva Rousselle, who talked about Bug Bounty & Ethical Hacking from YesWeHack. I also provided assistance at Skill Collector during the day. I scheduled a social media post for Monday in advance and continued working on the brand book's design. Then came Midsummer, and we enjoyed our holidays.



Requirement Refinement and Technology Exploration, Career Scouter

During this sprint of the Career Scouter project, our focus shifted towards refining the project requirements and exploring new technologies that would enhance the website's development. We successfully completed the following tasks:

  1. Ensuring OPF (Overall Project Framework) Meets Requirements: Before starting the actual development work, we conducted a thorough review of the OPF to ensure that it meets all the necessary requirements for the project. We cross-checked the OPF against the project scope and objectives to guarantee alignment.

  2. Creation and Registration of User Stories: User stories serve as a valuable tool for capturing the needs and expectations of different user types. In this sprint, we created and registered user stories to provide clear and concise narratives that described the desired actions and experiences of Career Scouter's users. These user stories would guide our development efforts in the upcoming sprints.

  3. Transitioning Career Scouter to Vue.js Framework: To leverage the benefits of a different technology stack, we decided to shift the Career Scouter website from the existing Next.js framework to Vue.js. This transition required a comprehensive understanding of Vue.js and its associated ecosystem. Our team invested time in exploring Vue.js's features, best practices, and development methodologies to ensure a smooth transition.

  4. Updating Use Case Description - Login: Use cases are an essential part of defining the functionality and interactions within a system. During this sprint, we focused specifically on updating the use case description for the login process. By refining and enhancing the login use case, we aimed to improve the user experience and ensure secure authentication on the Career Scouter website.

  5. Exploring Docker Technology: We dedicated time to exploring Docker technology to recognize the benefits of containerization and its potential impact on our project's deployment and scalability. We familiarized ourselves with Docker's concepts, architecture, and deployment mechanisms. This exploration would enable us to leverage Docker's containerization capabilities in the subsequent stages of the project.

By the end of Sprint 5, we had made significant progress in refining the project requirements and exploring new technologies. We ensured that the OPF aligned with the project's objectives and completed the registration of user stories to guide our development efforts. Additionally, we successfully transitioned Career Scouter from the Next.js framework to Vue.js, expanding our development capabilities. Furthermore, we updated the use case description for the login process, enhancing the overall user experience. Lastly, our exploration of Docker technology paved the way for future deployment optimizations. These accomplishments positioned us well for the upcoming sprints, as we continued to build and refine Career Scouter.