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Sprint 06

Description Date Week(s)
After midsummer 26.-30.6 26

Scratch book

Marketing and media:

On Monday, I took a day off after Midsummer and traveled from Seinäjoki to Jyväskylä. On Tuesday, we had a sprint planning session where we scheduled tasks for the week and worked on the brand book's design. Wednesday involved a Scrum meeting with all the teams, writing and posting about YesWeHack and Bug Bounty on social media, further brand book development, scheduling social media posts, and documenting them for my thesis. Thursday included a visit from Sami from Etteplan, creating background images and footers for Skill Counter, scheduling photo shoots for new images, and preliminary planning for WIMMA Lab promotional videos. On Friday, I posted the second social media post for Overflow on various platforms, had our team's daily and retro meetings, planned for the upcoming week, and worked on the promotional video(s) design. I also planned the social media content for Pengwin for the week.


Career Scouter Data Functionality and Infrastructure Setup

During the sixth sprint of the Career Scouter project, our main focus was on enhancing the functionality of the Career Scouter component and establishing the necessary infrastructure for the project. We successfully completed the following tasks:

  1. Start of Coding and Adding Functionalities: We dedicated significant effort to coding and adding new functionalities to the Career Scouter component. These enhancements included the implementation of multilingual support, the creation of a navigation bar for seamless website navigation, and the development of a quiz feature. By incorporating these functionalities, we aimed to provide an enriched user experience and offer valuable interactive content on the Career Scouter website.

  2. Power BI and Power Automation Study (Continued throughout the project): We allocated time to study Power BI and Power Automation, recognizing their potential in enhancing data visualization and automation capabilities within the project. This study would empower us to leverage these tools effectively and harness their benefits in subsequent stages of the project.

  3. Registration of New User Stories: User stories play a crucial role in capturing the needs and expectations of various user types. In this sprint, we focused on expanding our collection of user stories. By registering new user stories, we ensured that we accounted for a wide range of user scenarios and requirements, allowing for a more comprehensive development approach.

  4. Familiarization with CSC Servers and Server Setup: To establish the necessary infrastructure for Career Scouter, we familiarized ourselves with CSC servers. We dedicated time to understand the server architecture, configuration, and best practices for deployment. Additionally, we set up the CSC server environment, ensuring that it aligned with the project's requirements and would support the website's development and deployment.

  5. Docker Containerization and Image Transfer to GitLab: Recognizing the advantages of containerization for streamlined deployment and scalability, we focused on Docker containerization. We successfully built Docker images for the Career Scouter website, encapsulating the necessary components and dependencies. Additionally, we transferred these Docker images to GitLab, our chosen version control and collaboration platform. This ensured efficient sharing and management of the project's Docker images.

By the end of Sprint 6, we had made substantial progress in expanding the functionality of CareerData.vue, introducing multilingual support, a navigation bar, and a quiz feature. We also continued our study of Power BI and Power Automation, which would contribute to future data visualization and automation efforts. Additionally, we registered new user stories to encompass a broader range of user requirements. Moreover, we established the necessary server infrastructure by familiarizing ourselves with CSC servers and setting up the server environment. Lastly, we successfully containerized Career Scouter using Docker, building Docker images and transferring them to GitLab for efficient version control.

These accomplishments laid a strong foundation for the upcoming sprints, as we continued to refine and expand the Career Scouter website, while leveraging advanced tools and infrastructure to enhance the overall user experience.