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Sprint 07

Description Date Week(s)
July 3.-7.7. 27

Scratch book

Marketing and media:

It's Pengwin Media's own social media week! Throughout the week, we created two different posts about our team's activities and also shared a post about archery on social media. I provided guidance to Mysticons for their social media shift. I worked on the planning of our own brand book and thesis. Additionally, I prepared the content for social media posts in advance. Nodeon's Suvi visit at the beginning of the week.


Career Scouter: Content Creation, User Authentication, Database Linking, and Server Setup

During the seventh sprint of the Career Scouter project, our focus was on content creation, implementing user authentication, establishing database linking, and setting up an additional CSC server. We successfully completed the following tasks:

  1. CS Content Creation: We dedicated time to create informative and engaging content for the "Home" page of the Career Scouter website. This involved crafting compelling information that effectively conveyed the purpose and benefits of using Career Scouter. Additionally, we created and inserted GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) content in both languages to ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

  2. Career Path List: Recognizing the importance of guiding users through various career paths, we created a comprehensive career path list for the Career Scouter website. This list would serve as a valuable resource, providing users with insights into different career options and helping them make informed decisions about their professional aspirations.

  3. User Authentication for Quiz Attempt: To ensure that users have a personalized experience and maintain data privacy, we implemented user authentication functionality. This authentication would be required for users attempting the quiz on Career Scouter. By implementing user authentication, we aimed to enhance security and provide a customized experience for each user.

  4. Database Linking with SkillDB: In order to access a vast repository of skill data, we established a database link with SkillDB. SkillDB is a separate website called Skill Collector that aggregates skill-related information. This database linking allowed us to fetch skill data from SkillDB and integrate it into Career Scouter. By leveraging SkillDB, we enhanced the accuracy and depth of skill information available to Career Scouter users.

  5. Additional CSC Server Setup: To facilitate the testing and automation of Docker image updates, we set up an additional CSC server specifically for Career Scouter. This server would enable us to independently test and validate the automated processes associated with updating Docker images. By having this dedicated server, we could streamline the deployment and maintenance of Career Scouter.

  6. Power Automate Flow Creation: Power Automate, a powerful automation tool, was incorporated into Career Scouter to optimize various workflows. In this sprint, we created a workflow or flow using Power Automate. This flow would automate specific tasks or processes within Career Scouter, ensuring efficient and seamless operations.

By the end of Sprint 7, we had achieved significant milestones. We created compelling content for the Home page and incorporated GDPR information to comply with data protection regulations. Additionally, we developed a comprehensive career path list to guide users in their professional journey. User authentication functionality was implemented to personalize the quiz experience and maintain data privacy. The database linking with SkillDB enriched the skill information available on Career Scouter. We established an additional CSC server to enable independent testing and automation of Docker image updates. Lastly, a Power Automate flow was created to streamline workflows within Career Scouter.

These accomplishments further enhanced the user experience, ensured compliance with regulations, and optimized the website's functionality. As we progressed through the sprints, Career Scouter continued to evolve into a powerful resource for career exploration and development.
