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Sprint 08

Description Date Week(s)
July 10-14.7. 28

Scratch book

Media and marketing:

On Monday, I prepared the posts for Nodeon and others. I also worked on translating content for the Career Scouter website. On Tuesday, I worked on creating the Brandbook at home and completed writing the OPF website's articles in a Word document. I planned to post about Mysticons on social media in the evening.

On Wednesday, we had a guest speaker, Jukka Hämäläinen, who spoke about the "7 Behaviors of Building Autonomous Team Mentality." I also collaborated with Ankita on writing OPF texts and attended Suvi Hokkanen's CV Workshop. I planned to post about Nodeon on social media during the day.

On Thursday, Riku Juurikko was going to post about Social Engineering on social media. I also planned to finalize the OPF texts and work on editing and uploading Stas' new photos throughout the day.

On Friday, my tasks included updating the OPF website and taking a new team photo. Hannu Oksman and Samuli Hinneri visited us on Friday, and we introduced them to WIMMA Lab and our job responsibilities.

Jukka Hämäläinen

Career Scouter: Website Content Enhancement, Test Automation, Docker Integration, and Power BI Implementation

In the eighth sprint of the Career Scouter project, we focused on enhancing website content, test automation, Docker integration, and implementing Power BI. We successfully completed the following tasks:

  1. Career Scouter Website Content Enhancement: We updated the content on the home page, ensuring that it was available in both languages supported by Career Scouter. This enhancement improved accessibility for a wider audience. To provide a clear and concise view, we replaced the "About Page" to “Results”. We addressed any alignment issues related to the "Career Scouter" branding to ensure a polished and professional appearance. We provided detailed information about the courses offered for each career path on Career Scouter to guide users in their career choices. In addition to that, we added fake profiles to the career list, showcasing potential user scenarios and interactions.

    Career Scouter image

  2. Branding of Career Scouter: We dedicated time to refine and strengthen the branding elements of Career Scouter. This included updating logos, colour schemes, and other design elements to create a cohesive and visually appealing brand identity. We also aim to make the Career Scouter easily accessible and flexible for other educational institute’s use.

  3. Test Automation with Robot Framework: To streamline the testing process, we implemented test automation using the Robot Framework. This framework allowed us to create automated test cases and execute them efficiently, ensuring faster and more reliable testing.

  4. Page to Page Testing Automation: We automated the process of testing page-to-page interactions within the Career Scouter website. This automation facilitated the identification of any issues or inconsistencies that may arise during user navigation.

  5. Documentation: Template-Testcase and "50 Test Management" OPF Pages: We developed a template for test cases to maintain consistency and clarity in test documentation. Additionally, we started working on the "50 Test Management" for OPF page, where we organized and managed various test-related activities.

  6. Docker File Creation for CI/CD Pipeline: In alignment with the CI/CD pipeline, we created the necessary Docker files to enable automated image updates. These files contained the instructions and configurations required for building and deploying the Docker images.

  7. Familiarization with CI/CD Pipeline for Docker Image Update Automation: To ensure a smooth and efficient deployment process, we familiarized ourselves with the CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline. This pipeline would automate the process of updating Docker images for Career Scouter, ensuring timely and reliable updates.

  8. Power BI Implementation - Creating Power Automate Flow: Building on our previous Power Automate flow, we progressed further in implementing Power BI within Career Scouter. We started creating the necessary Power Automate flow to leverage Power BI's data visualization capabilities effectively.

By the end of Sprint 8, significant progress was made in enhancing the website's content, ensuring a better user experience with detailed course information and fake profiles. The Career Scouter branding was strengthened, creating a more distinct and recognizable identity. Test automation streamlined the testing process, while the CI/CD pipeline and Docker integration improved deployment efficiency. Power BI implementation commenced, enabling the generation of insightful data visualizations.

These achievements positioned Career Scouter for further advancements in subsequent sprints, as we continued to refine and optimize the website, ensuring its seamless functionality and offering valuable career resources to users.