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Social Media Plan

Document Social Media Plan
Author: Marika Matalamäki
Version: 2.0
Date: 27.07.2023

Improving the brand on social media

Pengwin Media 2023 did a great job improving the visual look for WIMMA Lab and for each virtual team. This year (2023),Pengwin Media media producer is designing and implementing a brand book as his own thesis, which will be available to the teams next year.
This year we have already done some planning on what marketing should be like for both companies and students and how to make marketing a year-round activity.

More information can be found on the Marketing and Media Guideline website:

This year's (-23) marketing timeline looks like this:

Week Date Sprint Theme
Week 0 15.05. - 19.05. Sprint 0 Orientation week
Week 1 22.05. - 26.05. Sprint 1 Visitors post
Week 2 29.05. - 02.05. Sprint 2 Marketing Open doors and Team introduction
Week 3 05.06. - 09.06. Sprint 3 Open Doors marketing and Open Doors event
Week 4 12.06. - 16.06. Sprint 4 After Open Doors / Open Doors thank you post
Week 5 19.06. - 23.06. Sprint 5 Midsummer Week / Visitors post / IoTitude someweek
Week 6 26.06. - 30.06. Sprint 6 Overflow someweek / Visitors post
Week 7 03.07. - 07.07. Sprint 7 Pengwin some week / Visitors post
Week 8 10.07. - 14.07. Sprint 8 Mysticons some week / Visitors post
Week 9 17.07. - 21.07. Sprint 9 Visitors post / Dokumentation
Week 10 24.07. - 28.07. Sprint 10 Last week / Dokumentation and Aftermovie editing


During the first week, we were told make Linkedin profiles and start connecting with visitors and lecturers. Because of these connections, Linkedin is the most important social media platform regarding the future. It is a great place to showcase your work and get it to the hands of a recruiter.

Pengwin Media considers Linkedin to be the facade of WIMMA Lab that is seen by recruiters. Marketing WIMMA Lab's events to reach a huge pool of IT professionals is the desired outcome of using Linkedin.

Doing posts to Linkedin, Pengwin Media wants to emphasize professionalism and keeping good connections with recruiting companies.


We will use Youtube if necessary. We've made one video a year on there at the moment.


Instagram plays an important role reaching the next generation of WIMMA Lab, as it is one of the most used social media platforms and gives current participants an easy way to share WIMMA Lab's posts with their own follower base.

Considering the next WIMMA Lab participants, the content that is published through Instagram should emphasize the true value of being here. We plan to copy our Linkedin posts to Instagram.


Facebook should be treated the exact same way as Instagram. On top of that, Facebook events can be used to raise awareness of WIMMA Lab's events.


We always put a little text on Twitter when we've published posts on LinkedIn. The post will always include a link to Linkedin.

Other external communication platforms


We are working with Jamk's. Jamk's Communications occasionally shares our posts.

Posting Schedules

Social Media Schedule 2023

Social Media Schedule
Linkedin 2-3 posts per week
Youtube if necessary, at least 2 videos from the summer (Open Doors video and Aftermovie)
Instagram 2-3 posts per week
Twitter 2-3 posts per week
Facebook 2-3 posts per week