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Marketing and Media Guideline

How to do marketing at WIMMA Lab?

The marketing of WIMMA Lab aims to become year-round, currently, marketing mostly takes place only during the summer. Marketing is usually handled by Pengwin media member(s), and it is always agreed upon separately as to who will take care of these matters. Marko Rintamäki, the student coach, and other staff members also handle marketing before the summer.

Marketing starts almost immediately after WIMMA Lab begins. The most important and first thing is the marketing of the Open Doors event and the necessary preparations for it. The official website of Open Doors needs to be updated and prepared before the event (as soon and as quickly as possible!). The event needs to be promoted multiple times on social media, and write-ups and photos of the teams and team members should be added to the Open Doors' own website and also linked and updated on WIMMA Lab's official website. Each team must create their own PowerPoint presentations for the event, prepare possible demos, and create name tags and resumes for themselves for the event. The website should be ready as soon as possible to market the event to companies. Logos from companies should also be obtained and added to the site (remember the branding and usage guidelines of the companies' logos!).

Possibly a week or two before the event, the teams and their activities are marketed and introduced. Each visitor will have their own post, and these posts will be scheduled in a linear order to express gratitude to the visitors and their expertise.

The use of logos and the correct writing of WIMMA Lab

WIMMA Lab has its own logos for teams as well as its own WIMMA Lab logos. Guidelines for the logos will be provided during 2023-2024, as the media producer (-23) is creating a brand book for her thesis. The most important aspect of WIMMA Lab's logos is that they do not overlap with other logos and have sufficient clear space around them.

Correct writing is important both for WIMMA Lab and with partner companies, this is extremely important!

  • WIMMA Lab
  • Mysticons
  • Overflow
  • IoTitude
  • Pengwin Media or Pengwin

Remember to double-check the names of the partner organizations to ensure accuracy!

What applications could/should you use?

Here is a list of software and websites that are recommended, optional, and necessary to use:

  • Canva (requires your own account, WIMMA Lab does not have its own accounts)
  • Adobe programs (must be acquired individually if you wish to use them)
  • Figma
  • Krita
  • Gimp
  • Davinci Resolve
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Gitlab
  • Microsoft Office programs (especially Powerpoint and Word)

What is important in marketing?

  • Using similar texts and images, avoiding excessive clutter.
  • Maintaining good language usage, avoiding profanity and confusing language, and using emojis moderately.
  • Open Doors website deadline/timetable: Get the website ready and start marketing as soon as possible.
  • Open Doors marketing timetable: Marketing should begin at least 2-3 weeks before the event, once the website is ready!
  • Open Doors event photos: Take pictures during the event and post a thank-you message on social media the week after the event.
  • Team photos and individual portraits, along with introduction texts for the website (AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, NEEDED FOR THE OPEN DOORS PAGE!)
  • Gather pictures and video material throughout the summer for the aftermovie.
  • Always make text and pictures for social media visitors posts.
  • Collaborate with other teams (get introduction texts from them, share their content during social media weeks, etc.).
  • Potentially collaborate with Jamk's communications team (tag them on social media).
  • Collaborate with companies (use logos, tag them, etc.).
  • Store materials on Drive (Marko Rintamäki's Drive folder, request access).
  • Social media accounts should be managed by only one person, and the account details should not be shared.
  • All social media content should go through one or two individuals responsible for managing social media to maintain consistency.
  • You can get the account details from staff or the student coach when you start your work.

Social Media Plan:


WIMMA Lab brand book? What is it?

The WIMMA Lab brand book is a set of guidelines for WIMMA Lab's website, logo usage, brand identity, social media, and marketing. The media producer (-23) is designing and creating the brand book as part of her own thesis work, and it may be published either in the year 2023 or in the spring of 2024.

The brand book will assist future WIMMA Lab teams in their work and improve WIMMA Lab's brand.