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QA Testing Guideline

  1. Review the Requirements: - Understand the project requirements and specifications. - Clarify any ambiguities or seek additional information if needed.

  2. Develop Test Cases: - Create clear and detailed test cases based on the requirements. - Cover all relevant scenarios and test conditions. - Include steps to reproduce the expected results.

  3. Prepare Test Data and Environment: - Set up the necessary test data, including valid and invalid inputs. - Configure the test environment to reflect the target system accurately.

  4. Execute Test Cases: - Follow the test cases step by step. - Record actual results, including any deviations or issues encountered. - Provide clear and concise descriptions of the observed behavior.

  5. Report and Track Defects: - Log any defects or issues found during testing. - Include relevant information such as steps to reproduce, expected and actual results, and screenshots if necessary. - Assign severity and priority levels to the identified defects.

  6. Perform Regression Testing: - After defects are fixed, retest the affected areas to ensure the changes did not introduce new issues. - Execute relevant test cases to verify the overall system functionality.

  7. Collaborate with Developers and Stakeholders: - Communicate effectively with the development team, product owners, and other stakeholders. - Provide regular updates on the testing progress, test coverage, and identified issues.

  8. Document Test Results: - Maintain comprehensive documentation of test execution and results. - Include details such as test dates, executed test cases, pass/fail status, and any relevant notes or observations.

  9. Perform Ad-hoc and Exploratory Testing: - Conduct spontaneous testing to explore system behavior and identify potential issues. - Think creatively and outside the defined test cases to discover hidden defects.

  10. Continuously Improve Testing Process:

    • Seek feedback from the team and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement.
    • Review and enhance test cases, test data, and testing strategies based on lessons learned.