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Testing Communication Protocol

Pre-Testing Phase:

  • Skip this if you don't have time for all the meetings..
  1. Test Planning Meeting: - Developers and testers meet to discuss the upcoming features, changes, or bug fixes that need to be tested. - Testers provide input on test coverage, test cases, and any specific testing requirements. - Developers clarify any doubts or provide additional information about the changes being made.

  2. Test Environment Readiness: - Developers ensure that the test environment is set up correctly with the required software versions, configurations, and test data. - Testers verify that they have access to the necessary test environment and data.

  3. Test Plan Approval: - Testers create a test plan outlining the testing scope, objectives, and approach. - Test plan is reviewed and approved by the development team, product owners, or stakeholders.

Testing Phase:

  • TLDR: Communicate with the developers.. We are literally 10 meters apart in Turbiini :D
  • Don't just wait for devs to contact you.. YOU can go ask if things are ready for testing.
  1. Notification to Start Testing: - Developers notify the testers when the build or code changes are ready for testing. - Testers receive information on the version/release number, changes included, and any specific areas to focus on.

  2. Test Execution: - Testers execute the test cases in SquashTM based on the test plan and assigned test suites. - Any issues or defects encountered during testing are logged in SquashTM with detailed steps to reproduce, expected and actual results.

  3. Defect Communication: - Testers notify the developers about any critical or high-priority defects immediately through appropriate channels (e.g., bug tracking system, email, or instant messaging). - Testers provide clear and concise descriptions, along with supporting evidence (screenshots, logs, etc.) when reporting defects.

  4. Regular Status Updates: - Testers provide regular status updates on the testing progress to the development team. - This can be done through status meetings, written reports, or shared dashboards.

Post-Testing Phase:

  1. Test Completion Notification: - Testers inform the development team when they have completed the assigned test suites or when testing reaches a defined milestone. - Testers provide a summary of the overall testing results and any significant findings or observations.

  2. Test Results Documentation: - Testers update the test execution results in SquashTM, marking the status of each test case (pass, fail, blocked, etc.). - Testers include additional comments or notes to provide context or additional information.

  3. Defect Resolution and Retesting: - Developers resolve the reported defects and notify the testers when fixes are ready for retesting. - Testers retest the fixed issues to verify that they are resolved and update the test results accordingly.

  4. Final Test Report: - Testers prepare a final test report summarizing the overall testing effort, test coverage, key findings, and any recommendations. - Test report is shared with the development team, product owners, or stakeholders.

Effective communication between developers and testers is crucial for successful testing and bug resolution. The protocol outlined above promotes collaboration, transparency, and efficient exchange of information throughout the testing process.

Remember, you can adapt and customize this communication protocol to align with your team's specific needs, tools, and processes.

I hope this protocol helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.