Gitlab issues

  1. From SquashTM front page, select "Administration" from the left-side menu, and under that, choose "Servers." Image1

  2. Under Servers, choose the "+" sign "Add" from the right side. Image2

  3. Fill in the following details: - Name: Name it so you understand later what repository this is attached to. - Type: gitlab.bugtracker - URL root: Click "Add" or "Add another" if you want to add multiple. Image3

  4. Go to your GitLab repository. From the left menu, select "Settings" -> "Access Tokens." Image4

  5. Give a name to your token. Set the expiration date to the far future. Select the scopes "api" and then click "Create project access token." Image5


  7. Go back to SquashTM -> Servers. Under "Authentication policy," select "Use Squash TM credentials" and paste your GitLab token there. Save. It should say "Saved." Image6

  8. From the left menu, select "Projects," and under it, go to the "Plugins" page. Click BugTracker connector Configure" from the right side. Image7

  9. Select the correct "server" from the Bugtracker dropdown menu. Image8

  10. The project path has to be in the format <group>/<subgroup>/<project>. In our case, it would be "wimma-lab-2023/someteam/someproject." Remove any other unnecessary information. Image9

  11. When running campaigns (i.e., you've run some test cases), you can report a new issue or attach it to an existing issue. On the Known issues page, click the "+" sign on the right side to "Report a new issue." Image10

  12. A: Fill in the issue details as specifically as possible: - Title: Name it clearly with "BUG:..." or something similar. - Labels: Bug (etc). - Assign a person with a student code. - Attach it to the milestone the tested feature is a part of. - Set a due date if needed. - The Epic is "Feature00 such and such." - Attach error logs or screenshots with attachments. Image10

  13. B: To attach to a known issue from GitLab, you need to know the issue ID (check it from the URL) and click "Add." Image11

  14. Go to GitLab and enjoy your beautiful bug report. Image11