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Instructions for SquashTM

Adding Requirements:

  1. Refer to the "Naming Guidelines for SquashTM" in the TEST GUIDELINES file to determine the naming convention for requirements.
  2. Log in to SquashTM and navigate to the Requirements module.
  3. Click on "New Requirement" or a similar button to create a new requirement.
  4. Provide a title for the requirement following the naming guidelines.
  5. Add a detailed description that provides relevant information about the requirement.
  6. Assign appropriate attributes, such as priority, status, and any custom fields as per the naming guidelines.
  7. Save the requirement.

Adding Test Cases:

  1. Refer to the "Naming Guidelines for SquashTM" in the TEST GUIDELINES file to determine the naming convention for test cases.
  2. Go to the Test Cases module in SquashTM.
  3. Click on "New Test Case" or a similar button to create a new test case.
  4. Give the test case a title following the naming guidelines.
  5. Write step-by-step instructions in the "Action" field, following the guidelines provided in the TEST GUIDELINES file.
  6. Specify the expected result in the "Expected Result" field, following the guidelines provided in the TEST GUIDELINES file.
  7. Assign attributes like priority, status, and any custom fields as required by the naming guidelines.
  8. Save the test case.

Creating Campaigns:

  1. Refer to the "Naming Guidelines for SquashTM" in the TEST GUIDELINES file to determine the naming convention for campaigns.
  2. In SquashTM, access the Campaigns module.
  3. Click on "New Campaign" or a similar button to create a new campaign.
  4. Provide a meaningful title following the naming guidelines.
  5. Add a description to provide additional context or instructions for the campaign.
  6. Select the desired test cases to include in the campaign from the available list.
  7. Set the execution order, if necessary, following the guidelines provided in the TEST GUIDELINES file.
  8. Save the campaign.

Creating Test Suites:

  1. Refer to the "Naming Guidelines for SquashTM" in the TEST GUIDELINES file to determine the naming convention for test suites.
  2. Navigate to the Test Suites module in SquashTM.
  3. Click on "New Test Suite" or a similar button to create a new test suite.
  4. Assign an appropriate title to the test suite following the naming guidelines.
  5. Add a description to provide additional information or instructions for the test suite.
  6. Select the desired test cases to include in the suite from the available list.
  7. Save the test suite.

Linking Requirements and Test Cases:

  1. Open the relevant requirement or test case in SquashTM.
  2. Look for the "Links" or "Relationships" section.
  3. Click on "Add" or a similar button to establish a link between the requirement and test case.
  4. Select the appropriate type of relationship following the guidelines provided in the TEST GUIDELINES file.
  5. Search for and select the corresponding requirement or test case to link to.
  6. Save the changes.

Determining Readiness to Run:

  1. Refer to the "Naming Guidelines for SquashTM" in the TEST GUIDELINES file to understand the criteria for determining the readiness of requirements and test cases.
  2. Assess the completion status of requirements and test cases based on their attributes or the defined criteria in the TEST GUIDELINES file