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Naming Guidelines for SquashTM


  • Use a prefix followed by a sequential number for requirements. For example: REQ-001, REQ-002, REQ-003, and so on.
  • Requirements represent the functional or non-functional specifications of the software being developed or tested.

Test Cases

  • Use a prefix followed by a sequential number for test cases. For example: TC-001, TC-002, TC-003, and so on.
  • Test cases are individual scenarios or steps designed to verify specific functionalities or behaviors of the software.


  • Use a prefix followed by a sequential number for campaigns. For example: CP-001, CP-002, CP-003, and so on.
  • Campaigns in SquashTM represent a set of test cases that are grouped together to achieve a specific testing objective or goal.


  • Use a prefix followed by a sequential number for iterations. For example: IT-001, IT-002, IT-003, and so on.
  • Iterations refer to specific development or testing cycles within a project. They represent a defined period of time to accomplish specific tasks or goals.

Test Suites

  • Use a prefix followed by a sequential number for test suites. For example: TS-001, TS-002, TS-003, and so on.
  • Test suites are a collection or grouping of test cases that belong to a common theme, such as testing a specific feature, module, or component of the software.