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Dummy Example of a Test Case

Test Case Title: Verify Login Functionality

Test Case ID: TC-001

Test Case Description: This test case verifies the login functionality of the application.

Preconditions: The user must have a valid username and password.


  1. Action: Launch the application. - Expected Result: The application opens successfully.

  2. Action: Enter the valid username in the username field. - Expected Result: The username is entered successfully.

  3. Action: Enter the valid password in the password field. - Expected Result: The password is entered successfully.

  4. Action: Click on the "Login" button. - Expected Result: The user is successfully logged into the system.

  5. Action: Verify that the user is redirected to the home page. - Expected Result: The home page is displayed after successful login.

  6. Action: Check if the user's name is displayed on the home page. - Expected Result: The user's name is correctly displayed on the home page.

  7. Action: Log out from the application. - Expected Result: The user is logged out and redirected to the login page.

  8. Action: Verify that the user is on the login page after logging out. - Expected Result: The login page is displayed after logging out.