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The SKILL-db API is a Node.js-based API that utilizes TypeScript for development. It is built using the Express.js framework and uses PostgreSQL as its database. The API is containerized with Docker, allowing for easy deployment and scalability. Additionally, Nginx is used as a web server to handle incoming requests and improve performance.

With the SKILL-db API, you can efficiently manage and retrieve data related to skills, leveraging the power of Node.js, TypeScript, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Docker, Nginx, and REST. RESTful principles are used to design and structure the API, providing a standardized and scalable approach to interacting with resources over HTTP.


Swagger Documentation for SKILL-db API (if still online.)

SKILL-db API is a product of WIMMA Lab 2023 by team IoTitude.

It is used by team Overflow in their project Skill Collector:


IoTitude's main project: