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Tukko - Traffic Visualizer

WIMMA Lab 2023 IoTitude created Tukko - Traffic Visualizer, an assigment given by Combitech. Tukko utilizes data from digitraffic API, and improves upon it by unifying the scattered info across multiple endpoints into our own much simpler API. We also gather data long term, which can later be shown to users to check for recent anomalies.

This data is then shown in a React based user interface, with mapping tools by Leaflet utilizing multiple plugins such as Geoman and Cluster markers. Utilizing custom icons, popups and tooltips, Tukko strives to convey information intuitively. For the more interested users, more in depth information is available. Development for Tukko followed best practices by utilizing a very strict ruleset maintained by Typescript and ESLint. Tukko is a complete product, but our team had many ideas left unfulfilled due to time constraints.

Demo video
Github for frontend
Github for backend

Our stack:


Express.jsNode.jsREST APIVite

Repositories for the frontend and the backend with instructions on how to set up your production or development environment are available on GitHub.

Frontend Backend

Quick Menu

Link Description
Release Note Version 1.5 chickpea_botatte-release
Requirement Specification The wide requirement specification for Tukko
Test Results Test Cases and Test Results
Backend Swagger Documentation for the Backend API
Team Introduction Introduction of team IoTitude 2023

Assignments for 2023

Our main assignment for the summer is a project commissioned by Combitech Oy. We are developing an open-source service called Traffic Visualizer, which utilizes public traffic APIs, particularly Digitraffic. This service provides data visualizations on a map, allowing users to select vehicle types and various timescales.

In addition, we have created the SKILL-db API, which integrates with the SKILL (Skills Framework for the Information Age) skill framework data. The framework data is stored in a PostgreSQL database, and other projects can access it through REST requests.

The technologies employed in our project include:

  • Tukko - Traffic Visualizer: React, TypeScript, NodeJS, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD GitLab, Vite, REST, Leaflet.js, and Digitraffic APIs.
  • SKILL-db API: NodeJS, PostgreSQL, TypeScript, Swagger, REST, and Docker.
  • Testing: Robot Framework, Selenium, JMeter etc.

By utilizing these technologies, we aim to deliver a robust and user-friendly traffic visualizing service and ensure smooth integration with the skill framework through our SKILL-db API for Skill Collector


Name Description Company / entity Task Responsibilities LinkedIn
Reima Parviainen Team Leader IoTitude / Lead the project and handle test planning LinkedIn
Justus Hänninen Junior Developer IoTitude / Backend, TypeScript, SKILL-db API LinkedIn
Hai Nguyen Junior Developer IoTitude / Backend, API, Data visualization, GitLab Pipeline LinkedIn
Ilia Chichkanov Junior Developer IoTitude / Backend, SKILL-db API LinkedIn
Olli Kainu Junior Developer IoTitude / Frontend LinkedIn
Otto Nordling Junior Developer / Tester IoTitude / Testing LinkedIn
Alan Ousi Junior Developer / Tester IoTitude / Testing LinkedIn

The team